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Discover platform and content tutorials, as well as other useful tips to help you utilize your curriculum.

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In this tutorial, we'll cover how to save in Construct 3 using the Cloud and File save options, as well as how to locate saved files and open them in Construct 3.

STEM Fuse content, like assignments, can easily be integrated into your existing LMS.

In this tutorial, we'll take a look at how student activities and progress is communicated in Educate.

In this tutorial, we'll cover how to download game files from Educate and open them in Construct 3. STEM Fuse provides numerous game files and assets throughout our courses.

In this tutorial, we'll cover how to reset a student's quiz attempt in Educate. There are several scenarios where you may want to reset a quiz attempt in Educate.

In this tutorial, we'll cover how to add another Class Admin or Co-Teacher to your class.

In this tutorial, we'll cover how to give students access to Construct 3 using the seat access method. You can explicitly assign your seats to specific users.

In this tutorial, we'll cover how to give students access to Construct 3 using the access code method. Access codes are quick and easy ways to get classes online!

In this tutorial, we'll cover how to quickly get up and running in Educate!

In this tutorial, we'll cover how to edit a class in Educate. There are several scenarios where you may want to edit a class in Educate.